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We understand that finding a doctor who you can build a personal relationship with can be difficult. They should be someone who you can feel comfortable opening up your health history to. We’ve made it easy for you to leave us, or discover, our reviews by collecting some of the major review websites into one location. At Grand Family Eye Care, we truly believe vision is more than just seeing 20/20. To us this means providing exceptional comprehensive eye care for you and your loved ones. It also means understanding how your vision got to where it is, assessing your current ocular health, and determining where your vision will be in the future.
- If you are a new patient, or finding a new eye doctor, click on the links below to see what people are saying about us. If you like what you see, schedule an exam today to find out if the highly rated reviews are true!
- If you are a former patient, you have came to the right place to leave us a comment and review about your, hopefully, positive exam experience! Please feel free to share your experience with your friends and family by directing them to this website or to the review sites below.